The 1975 Concert/ My Experience


Hey, How are you? 

comment in the comment box, I'm really actually wanting to know how you are. haha but really how are you all? its been a week since i last updated you so it means its WEDNESDAY!! yay!

I would just like to add I am in no way bragging about what concerts I've been to its just want to share my concert experience to you all 

But on 18th of January I was invited by a friend to attend The 1975 concert in Brisbane. All I can say about that concert is that it was amazing! I always notice when I'm at concerts is that every time is one of my favourite artists/bands is that every time I go a see them live I just automatically love them again! does anyone else found that happens? or am I just weird.

Going to concerts I find is always so cool because in the line ups to the venue, you will always meet the coolest people that are there for the same reason as you especially when its music, it's like someone has given you the opportunity in meeting all these new people by this one band that just brings everyone together. Which then creates the best vibes with everyone singing along to all the songs and I just feel amazing when that happens because its like someone has lifted off what I would feel usual embarrassed to sing aloud in public but as soon as you hit the concert no one actually cares if you can't sing. Is it just me is that the best feeling in the world?

The 1975 was such an awesome concert to be at as they actively were aware of the audience and socialised with us. And even Matt Healy told everyone single person in the audience to put down their mobile phone for the people who haven't seen them live before. He told us to put away phones so that other people could see live and not through a computer screen. Which is pretty cool! The song he did that for was called ME and omg such an amazing song!

The 1975 defineitly have a lucky talent and when they come back to Brisbane I'm definietly going to see them again because I have to admit probably the best audience and perfomer interaction. The whole band is just amazing and I can't wait to see them again!!! (well hopefully) 

Here is just a photo of the stage. I don't want to spoil anything from the concert too much as they might be still touring! 

Talk to you all next Wednesday! 

Just the Usual Self-Promo

Instagram: madie_clark

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