Life: Almost time to finally begin


       It's almost time to start my life official

Hi everyone, its been awhile. I feel odd typing into my computer these days trying to figure out what I should post next. I have had a busy couple of months recently one being year 12 commitments but then also having to survive without a personal computer as I was so stupid to drop my coffee all over the keyboard. Silly Madie!

Its got me thinking over these past couple of months.

School is a place, where I found that I am not the best at. I am not an academic person really, I find more being social and travelling the world to make me the person I am. School for me is coming to an end for me very soon which will give me the freedom of doing what I want when I want within terms really. School is a routine that I’ve simply am bored of. I know for a fact that the pressure from my school can get over bearing and feel like the whole school is against you because you don’t get straight A’s. Its taken me around 5 years to figure out what I love to do and who I am.

Being able to find myself over the past 6 months has really changed me. I’ve stopped being friends with people who I feel give me a bad influence. These last couple of months of High School are coming very quickly. In fact I think they maybe coming too quickly but then again I’m excited to finally be able to know what the real world is like. What will it be like not having to get up every morning at 6am, put on a uniform and go to school for 9 hours. Change is always a good aspect for as I love to change up my wardrobe, beauty products and even my whole bedroom.

This whole finally getting out of high school thing really makes me excited as I’ll be able to experience new things. It gives me the ability to be myself.

I swear everyone I talk to about leaving school always says “Schools the best part of your life” not going to lie. That’s a total lie. As from my experience I know im on to bigger and better things as school has limited me in what I can and can’t do.

This post is to all those people going through high school and feeling like they don’t belong there. To the people that aren’t academically smart and not getting straight A’s. Here’s to the teenagers that have the constant struggle for getting out of bed and going to school. Your not the only one. I am currently there trying to figure out a way to just surviving these last couple of months. Its going to be hard, I see the light at the end of the road and you just cant wait to be there.

Here’s a little quote of the week

Take care

Love Madie x

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